SEO case study: Keep it Simple

A pie chart with a pie chart showing the growth of SEO traffic.

Today a case study in "you" form. Pardon my bavarian 🙂

People everywhere are talking about the latest Google update but to be honest I don't really care. Such a gossip, you lay down!

For ages, SEO has been unnecessarily complicated, both for the performers and for their customers.

Mei, I understand why it's presented to customers like this - if it were so easy, why would they pay thousands for "SEO consulting"That's why it's sold as if it were rocket science. There's even a German saying for this: "Fachidiot schlägt Kunde tot." Or, as we would say in Bavaria: "Too much Gscheidhaferl spoils the broth."

I have a client with whom we talk about content creation and ideas on a daily basis. It's like therapy when the chemistry with a client is right.

So here's what I did and how I managed to achieve this traffic boost. I've tried to keep everything as simple as possible so that you can follow these steps:

  • Finding out what my client's vision is, where they want to go with their project and which target reader group they want to address. It's a give and take; we need to understand the client, and the client also needs to be clear about their goals. "No pain, no gain."
  • Found who the competitors are, found who the readers are, found what they are looking for. The secret ingredient? Put yourself in their shoes. Think like the reader, the user base that my client wants to have on their website. "Head through the wall" doesn't work, you have to think outside the box.
  • Created a total of 4 blog posts (pillar content) and 4 FAQ posts that support the main topic.
  • Strategic internal linking. Don't overdo it! Google is much smarter than you can imagine.
  • Answer the damn question immediately if it's a question or a search query from people. Like if I'm looking for the best places to eat in Hamburg, and the blog post starts the first 1000 words with the history of Hamburg 🙂 "In a world full of beautiful places, Hamburg is special. Let's dive into the history of Hamburg first." No, please God, no! Nooooo! (Read it like Michael does when he sees Toby in The Office.)
  • Keep the language simple and accessible for everyone. "Clear words are easier to hear."

And there you have it, folks - SEO demystified with a pinch of humor and a load of directness.

Keep it simple, answer these questions, and maybe, just maybe, we can all stop pretending we need to summon the ghost of Alan Turing to figure out how to rank a website.

But don't forget, as we say in Bavaria: "Ned g'schimpft is globt gnua." - Not scolded is praised enough. So, don't take this to heart if the feedback loop with your customers is a little sparse. At the end of the day, it's the results and the satisfaction of your customers that count.

Happy optimizing!
Have the honor, Servus!
