Easy Order Management

Preview Image Easy Order Management
Kemal Esensoy

The problem

If you run a WooCommerce store, you know the problem: managing orders can quickly become an annoying orgy of clicks. To change the status of an order, you have to open, update and save it individually - and you have to do this again for every order. With a growing store, this quickly becomes time-consuming and frustrating.

The idea

I wanted a solution that would allow you to Manage orders directly in the overview without having to go into the order details every time. This should not only fasterbut also more flexible with customizable columns and search functions so that every store operator can create their perfect view.

The solution: Easy Order Management

With Easy Order Management you get an order overview that really Practical and efficient is. You can change order statuses, customize columns and set everything exactly how it suits you best.

What makes the plugin so good?

  • Customizable columns: Select the information you want to see and sort it using drag & drop.
  • Change status directly: No more annoying clicking - status adjustments are possible with just one click.
  • Quick filter & search: Quickly find orders according to the criteria that are important to you.
  • Access control: Determine which users are allowed to see and use certain functions.
  • ACF integration: If you use Advanced Custom Fields, you can simply add user-defined fields to the overview.
  • Mobile-friendly: Whether desktop or mobile - it just works.
  • Secure & performant: With built-in CSRF protection, validations and rate limits, your store remains stable.

How to install the plugin

The setup is super simple:

  1. Download: Get the latest version of GitHub or the WordPress plugin repository.
  2. InstallUpload the plugin and activate it in WordPress.
  3. CustomizeUnder WooCommerce > Order Management you can set everything up according to your wishes.

Opportunities for developers

If you want to customize the plugin further, there are plenty of Hooks and filters:

// Add your own columns
add_filter('wb_order_columns', function($columns) {
    $columns['new_column'] = 'My new column';
    return $columns;

// Customize order data
add_filter('wb_order_data', function($data, $order) {
    $data['new_column'] = get_post_meta($order->get_id(), '_my_meta_key', true);
    return $data;
}, 10, 2);

Why you should try Easy Order Management

If you want to save time, improve your workflows and faster and easier to manage then try out the plugin. It makes WooCommerce a lot more pleasant and ensures that you can concentrate more on your business.

Try it out now!
Download here

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know - I look forward to your feedback!