Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs ChatGPT 4: Experience report 2024

Image showing Claude 3.5 Sonnet on the left and ChatGPT 4.0 on the right with a "VS" sign in between. Both are futuristic robots with different backgrounds, which suggests a comparison or a duel.

Today is July 22, 2024, and after a year of intensive use of GPT-4, we at Wunderlandmedia made the switch to Anthropics Claude today. In this blog post, I will explain why we took this step from the perspective of a web developer and SEO consultant.

Since our foundation, we have always looked for innovative solutions to deliver the best possible results for our customers. In recent years, artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we work. AI-supported text generators in particular have become indispensable tools in our everyday lives.

Until recently, we mainly relied on OpenAI's ChatGPT with a premium subscription. The performance of GPT-4 has impressed us and improved our work processes in many ways. However, as usual in the fast-evolving world of technology, there are constant innovations and improvements.

With the introduction of Claude 3.5 Sonnet by Anthropic, we have discovered a new level of AI support. After a thorough evaluation and testing phase, we decided to switch from ChatGPT Premium to Claude Pro. This decision was based on several key factors, which we will explore in this post.

In the following sections, we will explain the main differences between Claude 3.5 Sonnet and ChatGPT 4 that led us to make the switch. In particular, we will discuss the improved code output, the more fluid writing style, the practical project function and the overall better experience when searching for information.

Got it. I'll bold the semantically related keywords and include lists and tables where it seems natural. Here is the second section with these adjustments:

Main differences in comparison

In our daily work at Wunderlandmedia we noticed some significant differences between Claude 3.5 Sonnet and ChatGPT 4. These differences were decisive in our decision to switch to Claude Pro. Here are the main points in detail:

Quality of the generated code

The Code quality is for us as Web development agency of the utmost importance. Claude 3.5 Sonnet particularly impressed us in this respect.

  1. Examples of improved code output at Claude:
    • More precise syntaxFewer errors that need to be corrected manually
    • More efficient algorithmsOptimized solutions for complex problems
    • Better commentary: Self-explanatory code that is easier to maintain
  2. impact on our work:
    • Time saving during code development
    • Higher code quality for our customers
    • Simplified debugging through clearer structures

Here is a comparison of the code quality:

AspectChatGPT 4Claude 3.5 Sonnet
Syntax errorOccasionallyVery rare
Code efficiencyGoodOutstanding
CommentarySufficientDetailed and helpful

Smoother writing style

As an agency that also SEO services the quality of the generated text is of great importance to us.

  1. Naturalness of the generated texts:
    • More human-like formulations
    • Better reading flow
    • More adapted tonality depending on the context
  2. Less need for special prompts for good results:
    • More intuitive input lead to better results
    • Time saving during prompt creation
    • More consistent spending across various requests

Project function at Claude

The Project function from Claude has significantly improved our workflow.

  1. Explanation of the function:
    • Coherent conversations on one topic
    • Simple resumption of projects
    • Better organization of complex tasks
  2. Advantages for our workflow:
    • More efficient project planning
    • Improved collaboration in the team
    • Easier tracking of project progress

Overall experience in searching for information

The Information search is an essential part of our daily work, both in the Web development as well as in the SEO area.

  1. Accuracy and relevance of the answers:
    • More precise information
    • Better contextualization of the answers
    • More up-to-date data (based on the state of knowledge until April 2024)
  2. Speed and efficiency:
    • Faster response times
    • Fewer inquiries necessary
    • More intuitive processing Complex requests

These improvements have a significant impact on our daily work at Wunderlandmedia. In the next section, we will go into more detail about how these differences specifically affect our projects and processes.

Effects on the work at Wunderlandmedia

The switch to Claude 3.5 Sonnet has had a positive impact on the way we work at Wunderlandmedia in many ways. Here is a detailed insight into the concrete effects:

Improving productivity

  1. Time saving:
    • Faster code development
    • More efficient text creation for SEO content
    • Reduced post-processing time
  2. Optimized workflows:
    • Better integration into our existing processes
    • Simplified team collaboration thanks to the project function
    • Faster problem solving for technical challenges

Our productivity increase in figures:

Area of responsibilityTime saving
Code developmentapprox. 25%
Content creationapprox. 30%
Researchapprox. 20%

Quality improvement for customer projects

  1. Improved code quality:
    • Fewer bugs in the development phase
    • Easier to maintain code
    • Higher performance of our web applications
  2. Optimized SEO strategies:
    • More precise keyword analyses
    • More natural, better ranking content
    • More effective on-page optimization
  3. Increased customer satisfaction:
    • Faster project completion
    • Higher quality end products
    • More innovative solutions

New opportunities for SEO strategies

  1. Extended content strategy:
    • Creation of thematically more comprehensive Contents
    • Better adaptation to User Intent
    • More effective use of Long-tail keywords
  2. Improved technical SEO:
    • More precise analysis of Website structures
    • More efficient creation of structured data
    • Optimized internal linking strategies
  3. Innovative SEO experiments:
    • AI-supported A/B tests for metadata
    • Automated creation of FAQ schemes
    • AI-based Competitor analyses

Our top 5 SEO improvements with Claude 3.5 Sonnet:

  1. Higher Relevance of the content created
  2. Better Keyword integration in natural texts
  3. More efficient creation of Meta descriptions
  4. More precise Technical SEO audits
  5. More innovative approaches for Local SEO

The use of Claude 3.5 Sonnet has enabled us to take our services to a new level. We can now implement more complex projects in less time and deliver higher quality. Particularly in the area of SEO, we have gained a clear competitive advantage thanks to the improved analysis options and the quality of the content generated.

These improvements have a direct impact on our business success. Not only have we been able to inspire our existing customers, but we have also been able to win new customers with our innovative and effective solutions.

In the next and final section, we will draw a conclusion and give an outlook on the future of AI in web development and SEO.


Summary of the main advantages of Claude 3.5 Sonnet

After a year of intensive use of Claude 3.5 Sonnet, we at Wunderlandmedia can draw a thoroughly positive conclusion. The main advantages can be summarized as follows:

  1. Superior code qualityMore precise, more efficient and better commented code output.
  2. More natural writing style: More fluent texts without special prompts.
  3. Efficient project functionImproved organization and workflow management.
  4. Optimized information search: More accurate and relevant answers to complex queries.
  5. Increased productivitySignificant time savings in various work areas.
  6. Leap in quality for customer projectsHigher quality end products and more satisfied customers.
  7. Innovative SEO strategiesNew possibilities for content creation and technical optimization.

Recommendation for other agencies and freelancers

Based on our experience, we can recommend Claude 3.5 Sonnet without reservation:

  • For Web development agenciesThe improved code quality and more efficient development processes justify the change.
  • For SEO agenciesThe more natural texts and innovative analysis options offer a clear competitive advantage.
  • For FreelancerThe versatility and efficiency of Claude 3.5 Sonnet can significantly increase productivity.

A cost-benefit analysis for different user groups:

User groupCost savingsQuality improvementROI assessment
Large agenciesHighVery highExcellent
Medium-sized companiesMediumHighVery good

Outlook on the future of AI in web development and SEO

The use of AI such as Claude 3.5 Sonnet marks a turning point in our industry. We expect the following developments:

  1. PersonalizationAI will enable even greater customization of websites and content.
  2. AutomationRoutine tasks in web development and SEO are increasingly being automated.
  3. Predictive analysesAI will be able to predict trends and user behavior more accurately.
  4. Ethical AIThe development of fairer and more transparent AI systems will become increasingly important.
  5. AI-supported creativityAI will increasingly be used as an idea generator and creative assistant.

In conclusion, I would say that the switch to Claude 3.5 Sonnet was a significant step forward for Wunderlandmedia. The improvements in our daily processes, the increase in the quality of our services and the new opportunities that have opened up for us confirm our decision.

We are convinced that AI systems such as Claude 3.5 Sonnet will significantly shape the future of web development and SEO. As a future-oriented agency, we will continue to follow and implement the latest developments in this area in order to always offer our customers the best possible solutions.

This concludes our experience report. We hope that our findings can also serve as a guide for other companies and professionals in the industry.
